Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Okay, Nesting...

I know I really, really wanted you to come so that I could be productive and whatnot, but... would you mind easing up a big? 'K, thanks.

The nesting bug hit late Sunday night and has been going strong. I already wrote about what I accomplished Sunday and the little bit I did on Monday. Tuesday I didn't have time to do anything because we had Auds' Mommy and Me class, a play date, a photo shoot and then church. The first time I got to sit down for more than five minutes was at church. And Auds fell asleep so I actually got to sit there and enjoy the service with my husband. We even were able to finalize details for one of our youth kids to watch Audrey when we become a platform couple. Yup, starting next week, my husband will be playing guitar and I'll be singing. Audrey will be hanging out with a girl who she absolutely adores.

This will ease Auds into a transition for when Honey sits on the platform the whole service and preaches from the pulpit. The pastor is still mulling it over as to if I can sing on the platform baby wearing or if he'd rather someone right up front of my choosing to hold Tony when he comes. This has never been an issue before because I'm the most unconventional person in my church. Being green, organic (mostly) eating, natural birth, extended nursing, cloth diapering, baby wearing, mama cloth and all of that stuff was completely foreign to all of the people in the church until I arrived.

Anyway, I had some pretty darn uncomfortable and down right painful contractions all day and night from being so busy. I told myself that today I would take it easy. But what have I done so far?

Taken inventory of a whole mess of prefolds and covers that Tony's cloth diapering godmommy (who I converted, btw) is loaning us. Washed all of those and the small Fuzzi Bunz and one size Bum Genius that I got. They're on the line drying now. I folded clothes to put away later this evening. I also rearranged my office - again. This includes moving a cabinet that is taller than my husband and weighs about as much as him, a filing cabinet full of paperwork, a shelving unit full of packaging materials and client orders, and all of the previously rearranged props.

And I convinced my mother-in-law to take this set of chairs I've been trying to get my husband to let me sell for a while to store at her house so it is out of mine. Woo hoo! I dusted and swept my office and will do more laundry when the stuff that is hanging dries. I also reorganized the blankets on the bakers rack in the living room to free up a shelf for Tony's diapers. So, now receiving and swaddling blankets are on the bottom rack, Tony's diapers will be on the middle rack, and Auds' diapers are on the top rack. The big fluffy blankets are folded in his and hers piles on the wood opening behind the white chair. I'm going to look for baskets to put those in to make it look a little nicer.

I've also been running through my mind how I'll decorate for Valentines. It's simple - since it's right in the middle of Mardi Gras season, I'll keep the Mardi Gras wreath on the door, move the Mardi Gras candles to the entertainment center, put pink and cream candles on glass stands on the entry table and call it a day. And then I'll move the candles back to their original locations and call it a day until Easter time. And how I'm going to reorganize the fridge.

Easter will happen right after Tony is born so I have no idea what I'll do then.

So, now I'm sitting in my freshly organized office waiting for my husband to get home so he can fuss at me for moving heavy stuff all around the place - again. I have to get my nesting in now because tomorrow night I'm going to check out one of my youth's pigs. She's the same one who will be watching Auds for us and she's really opened up to me. 4H is really her thing and she's showing 12 this weekend, starting tomorrow evening. Last weekend she got 4 jackets and a belt buckle, which are apparently the highest awards. She also promised to let Auds ride a pig. Now THAT is something that I will take a lot of pictures of. I can't wait for Auds to go to her first livestock show. I think she'll absolutely love it.

1 comment:

  1. Whew! I'm exhausted reading that.

    Please, pleasetake some video of you guys playing and singing together. I want to see it!

    And I would think it was the coolest thing ever if I saw one of our vocalists at church wearing their baby. I hope they let you. We need more babywearing mamas showing other mothers how great and easy it is!
