Friday, January 21, 2011

Birth Plan

I have finally drawn up my birth plan for Tony. I've told my doctor already that I want a natural birth, but was unable to do so last time due to pre-e, GD, blood issues and pretty much anything else out there. I've told her that it's really important to me, and she's completely fine with it. And she's even recommended by the state natural birth group. I don't think she'll see anything wrong with this, at least I hope not. I also hope I'm not forgetting anything...

During my labor and delivery experience I would like to have:

*Only my husband present.

*No healthcare students or resident physicians as observers.


*I would like to avoid an enema.

*I would like to walk around and change position whenever I feel I need to during labor.

*I would like to utilize the birthing ball.

*I would like to be offered the option of laboring in the shower, utilizing the shower massage.

*I would like to wear my own clothes during labor.

*I would like to have clear liquids by mouth throughout the first stage of labor.

*I would like the lights to be low and the room to be as quiet as possible during my labor.

* I would really prefer no saline lock regardless of the hospital’s policy.

*I would prefer to keep the vaginal exams to a minimum—I will request them when I am ready to know the status of dilation.

*I do not wish to have continuous fetal monitoring unless it is required by the baby's condition.

*I do not want an internal fetal monitor unless the baby has shown signs of distress.

*I do not wish to have the amniotic membrane ruptured artificially.

*I do not wish to have my labor augmented by pitocin. ** This is VERY important to me. I don’t even want to see pitocin or hear the word. I’m prepared to deal with a long labor if it happens.


*NONE! :)


*Unless absolutely necessary, I would like to avoid a cesarean delivery. I believe that my plans for a birth free of a “cascade of interventions” will allow for the slimmest of chances that a c-section will be required. If for some reason it is truly required, I trust Dr. T to communicate that to me.

*I would like my birth partner present at all times if I require a cesarean delivery.

*I would like to hold the baby immediately after birth unless it is contraindicated by the baby's condition. (Please place him on my chest immediately.)

*I would like to be allowed to choose the position in which I give birth, which may include squatting.

*Even if I am fully dilated, and assuming the baby is in no distress, I would like to try to wait until I feel the urge to push before beginning the pushing phase.

*I would prefer not to have an episiotomy.

*Perineal massage is fine as long as it is gentle.

*I would appreciate guidance on when to push and when to stop pushing so the perineum can stretch.

*I would like a local anesthetic to repair a tear.


*I would like to have the baby placed skin-to-skin on my chest immediately after delivery. **This is VERY important to me. I do know that the BEST place to regulate temperature is on a mother’s chest, not in a warmer.

*I would like to wait until the umbilical cord stops pulsing before having my husband cut it.

*I would appreciate the opportunity to breastfeed as soon as possible after birth. ** This is VERY important to me.

*I would like to hold the baby while the placenta is delivered and while any tissue repairs are made.

*I would prefer to keep the baby skin-to-skin on my chest rather than under a baby warmer and would like for all baby assessments and treatments to be done while I am holding the baby.

*If I am unable to hold the baby immediately after delivery, I would like for my birth partner to be offered the opportunity to hold the baby skin-to-skin as long as the baby's condition is not compromised.

*I would like the baby's eye treatment to be delayed for the first several hours after birth so that we might be able to see each other clearly and have the opportunity to bond. ** This is VERY important to me.

*I will determine whether or not I would like the baby to be given Vitamin K at all—provided the cord is allowed to stop pulsing before it is cut, he should be able to get all the Vitamin K he needs between that and immediate breastfeeding, since colostrum is rich in Vitamin K. If my labor is prolonged, I will make the decision to go ahead with the shot.

*I would prefer that the baby not be bathed, only cleaned up of any “blood and guts.” Please do not remove the vernix from his skin, because I practice the “breast crawl” technique to initiate breastfeeding.

*We are a cloth-diapering family. :) My husband and I are happy to do all diaper changes—no nurses will be asked to learn how to use our diapers. We understand that you are busy! We do ask that no disposable diapers be used on our baby at all.


*Please no Hep B vaccine.

*I do not wish to be separated from my baby for any reason.

*I would like the baby to stay with me during the day and night, and for baby care to be done in the room whenever possible.

*I am planning to breastfeed and would like to do so on-demand. I do not want a nurse telling me to feed on a schedule or forcefully suggest that I bottle feed. **This is VERY important to me, and I know it can be done successfully without artificial milk.

*I do not want the baby to be given a pacifier. ** This is VERY important to me.

*I do not want the baby to be given any bottles, including glucose water or plain water. ** IF it is medically necessary for the baby to be given supplementary nutrition, I would like for it to be administered via SNS tube attached to my breast.

*I would like to meet with a Lactation Consultant. I breastfed my first for 19 months, but it’s been a while since I’ve nursed a newborn.

*I plan on my support person staying overnight with me in the hospital.

*I would like to have my family and friends visit me at their convenience during visiting hours.

*I do not wish for my baby to be circumcised. ** This is VERY important to me.

I understand that my plan will be followed unless my situation becomes medically unsafe.

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