Monday, January 24, 2011

The Afters

Because I know you've been on the edge of your seat in anticipation... I'm posting the after pictures of last night's nesting. And I even did a little more today.

I wrote about moving the changing station from the play room into the living room. I can already see how it will be easier than having it in a separate room. And Auds loves that she can now play hide and seek behind the chair. She'll tell me "I'll come right back to you!" and then squeeze between the chair and the baker's rack only to come crawling out behind the other side of the chair. It's adorable.

I also wrote about our lack of storage. If you ever find yourself without having a place to put something, this will make you feel a WHOLE lot better. Keep in mind, we have no attic access nor a basement. This is the only closet in the ENTIRE house. And I've maxed it out, we use those Magic Hangers (which are great), a closet organizing system, bins, etc. It's not open, because someone was playing in there while I was bagging up stuff to send to Goodwill this morning. It's not pretty inside. lol But it's got a crystal knob!

So this is my wall of bins. That basket is clothing that Audrey has outgrown that will be put into a bin this weekend. Yes, it's almost to the ceiling. And we have 11+ish foot ceilings.

Oh, yes, there is more. But at least the car seats and the exersaucer will be getting moved out soon enough. My big idea is to get the plain curtain rods (the white ones that screw into the wall at the bends), hang them upside down from the ceiling, and get some panels of fabric to hang from the ceiling to divide the room so that the bins aren't totally visible, but still accessible.

To the left is the futon/guest bed. It's surprisingly really comfy despite the fact that it was one of my only pieces of furniture in college. That thing's been around in my life as long as my husband. The only people who ever use it are church youth kids who stay the night and my mother when she's in town. I just hope no one will trip over my husband's weights that he leaves on the floor after he works out in the morning.

To the right is a little sitting area. Cheeto wanted to be in the picture. That is his chair and blanket. He fought me for it, and he won. We had some seriously hilarious fights over who could get there first, sit there, or sit the longest. We should have taped it and sent it into America's Funniest Home Videos. How sad is it that I lost to a cat?

Where the sitting area is now is where the two dressers used to be, side by side. Where the bins are now, that's where the sitting area used to be. The bins were scattered between on top of the futon, in the bedroom to the left of the closet, and my office. Trust me, it looks infinitely better having just one huge wall of bins than tiny clusters. There were also props hanging out in there that are too delicate to be in the studio area because someone would break them.

Here they all are together in my office. Except for the random pile of stuff that my husband put there. I'm still not sure what it is, so I haven't found a home for it.

So the dressers have a new home in the playroom. Believe it or not, every single thing gets put away each night. This is what it looks like after about 10 minutes. The baker's rack in the living room used to be where the white dresser is. The changing station used to be where the pink glider is, and the pink glider used to be where the brown dresser is.

This is Audrey's dresser and her little corner of the playroom.

And this is Tony's. And to the left is Tony's bouncy seat that I need to assemble. When it stops raining (it makes it sooo humid inside the house) I'm going to paint his letters in alternating colors like Audrey's.

These are the colors that Audrey and I picked today. I can't decide if I'll do blue first or brown.

And that's not all! I did a couple more things today, not too much since we spent our morning out looking for Tony's letters and paint and had prayer meeting this evening. Add in a 2.5 hour nap, and most of the day is gone.

When I was looking for Tony's wall letters, I saw these nifty tin letter tiles. So, I picked one up to hang in our entry way. It really goes well with the red curtains, as well as my diaper bag - ha!

I also rehung the shelf in the front bath. One day while I was in there, it fell out of the wall because it was apparently possessed. It also had a lit candle on it that dumped hot wax on me, on the wall, on the floor, on the toilet, on the cabinet, pretty much every where. I'm still working on cleaning up that wax, too. I've gotten most of it up, but it's stained the white surfaces. I'm getting some Scour Off from Shaklee in hopes that that helps. Since the initial fall until today, the towel was just hanging by a nail. I think this is a BIG improvement. The basket to the left is filled with little homemade soaps that were shower presents when I had Auds. The candle on the right is made by a local candle company. I don't think I'm going to light it because it makes the bathroom smell good just being in there... and I don't want hot wax on me again.

Tomorrow we have our Mommy and Me class, a play date, a photo shoot, and church, so I likely won't be getting much done. But Wednesday will likely be a busy day.

1 comment:

  1. Wow! You've been busy.

    I think hanging a rod and curtain is a great idea to cover the bins! That could be really pretty with the right fabric!
