Monday, November 29, 2010

Safari of Lights

Sunday night we headed on down to the zoo for their Safari of Lights preview night. Now, I know it shows in the pictures, but we were EXHAUSTED. So, please don't hold that against me. Yeah, I look rough. Audrey had a bit of a runny nose and didn't sleep at all the night before and woke up early Sunday morning. Couple that with the fact that she didn't think she needed to nap any more than the short amount of time she fell asleep in church mean we didn't really get much sleep - she wouldn't let us have an afternoon nap! I swear we all enjoyed ourselves and had a great time. It just might not translate in pictures. Dolly, however, looks quite rested. Ah, to be plastic with permanently perky features. There's the disclaimer. ;)

Here's little miss checking out the lights. I'm big on baby wearing and carrying little ones. However, being pregnant makes that harder and harder, and she actually likes going in her umbrella stroller. I don't think I'd ever get her in the big travel system, but she cruises in her little one. And, yes, we were that bundled up. And, yes, it was only 60 degrees. There were people there with scarves and gloves, so we weren't the only wimpy ones.

There's my tired princess. She was actually telling me about the lights here. She hand gestures just like her mommy.

With Honey in front of the carousel of lights. This was when we first walked in.

And here she is in front of the garden set up. She saw all the bugs and was talking buggy to them saying "Bzzzzzzzzzzzz" over and over again. I'm not sure what she was telling them or if they understood her, but I'm sure at least she knew.

Peacocks. Oh, yes, I am that mom. I took pictures of her in front of every display that she liked.

Noah's Ark. I thought it was cute that they didn't go overboard with Santa stuff. Plus, it's a zoo... they have two of everything anyway!

Checking out the snowman. She LOVES snowmen for some reason. It's not that we have snow here often. Heck, it was in the 70s with 100% humidity today. But, it has snowed 3 times since she's existed - which is a miracle for us. It snowed the day I started my third trimester. It snowed for her first Christmas season, and it snowed on her birthday. Maybe she has a thing with snow.

In the petting zoo. The animals didn't like us because we hadn't picked up our free popcorn yet and they weren't getting any. We were snubbed. See that dirty look the sheep is giving us?

Here we are in front of the nativity. It's not the best shot because there were a lot of people here, and I didn't want them in my picture. Audrey LOVED it. The entire night she wanted to go back and see "the baby Jesus" and wanted me to pull up this picture on my camera of "the baby Jesus." Today at nap time, she said "Ni-night the baby Jesus." It is stinking ADORABLE. So, since seeing the nativity, everything has been about the baby Jesus. In prayer meeting at church tonight she was saying "I love you, Jesus! I love you, the baby Jesus!" It makes me smile just thinking about it.

"Llama, Mama! Llama, Mama!" Now, she could have either been calling my attention to the llamas, or calling me one. I choose the former. And, as you can see, we got snubbed here too coz of our lack of popcorn.

Hanging with Honey waiting for the train ride. We love this train. It goes through the open area where they keep all the African wildlife. Audrey is a huge fan, too. We ride it every time we go to the zoo. She cried the one day it was closed for maintenance.

With me and Tony. No, my husband doesn't know how to use the zoom function on the little camera. And, yes, I know I look two steps away from death at this point. Like I said, I promise we had a blast.

Watching the people get into the train cars ahead of us. She was doing some serious people watching.

Wrapped up in her blanket/princess cape. It got really chilly quickly. Yes, we're wimps.

Eating Honey's popcorn. We had a very nice unhealthy dinner out with our popcorn, our soybean burgers (my hubby had a chili dog with extra chili - yuck) and drinks. Audrey had juice, but I let her pretend to drink my sprite.

And that concludes our evening. We drove home, got the baby a bath, put her to sleep and cuddled. It was a Sunday and I didn't do any work. I'm really liking that. Granted, I have to make up for it during the week, but it's really nice to have that family time.

1 comment:

  1. How fun! I wish we had something like this to take the boys to!

    Audrey is so stinkin' cute. And I LOVE both of your hats!
