Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Trial Separation - Not What You'd Think!

So this is a post basically asking for help. Ideas, remedies, products, what have you.

You know how some men have sympathy pains, morning sickness, mood swings, food cravings, whatever during their wife's pregnancy? Well, mine snores. Yes, you read that right. He snores only when I'm pregnant. It's the weirdest thing.

It's so loud that it woke Audrey up in-utero when I was pregnant with her, causing me to wake up due to the thrashing going on inside - all while he slept. It has become a joking matter in this family. And this pregnancy is no different. And he sleeps so soundly that he doesn't notice me trying to wake him up or move him to get him to stop.

We've tried him sleeping in every position possible, drinking lemon water right before bed, with the air conditioner on, with it off, and even the extra strength Breathe Right strips. I even tried to have him start off in the bed until he snores and kick him out... he just never wakes up no matter how many times I poke him and ask him to go. NOTHING HAS WORKED! I get 0 sleep lately.

So, last night I kicked him to the couch. It's the first night aside from any sickness or business travel that he hasn't been with me since we were married. But, I did sleep more than normal. It only amounted to 4 hours since I didn't finish editing until 1am, but it's something.

Here's my question, does anyone have ANY remedies for snoring?! We need some help here!


  1. I wish I were help. I actually snore when I'm pregnant and Adam can't sleep with me. It got so bad while I was pregnant with Gabe that we stopped sleeping in the same room and then got so used to it that we still haven't moved back in together. We just sleep better when we are on our own.

    I've heard good things about those strips you put on your nose, but haven't tried them myself.

  2. Although I have slept better the past few nights, I miss him. He's a darned good back scratcher!
