Friday, October 15, 2010

It's the Fun Little Things

Today... has been exhausting. And that exhaustion will only continue. But, that doesn't mean it can't be interesting.

The hubby and I didn't get to sleep until 1:00ish at the earliest this morning. "Why would you do that when you're pregnant, have a toddler, and a busy weekend ahead" you may ask? Well, I was finishing up a wedding (one of four that I've taken in the past few months when I have six more before the end of the year). I got in a groove and there was no stopping me. I believe I was slightly delirious as I was dressed in my Eeyore pjs - which aren't very warm - and the house got into the mid-60s last night. Granted that may not seem cold to you, but we've gotten used to the 80 evenings and I'm a cold pregnant woman.

Anyway, I was grooving and moving and finishing up the reception and uploading them to my proofing site and just couldn't be stopped. Lord knows why my husband stayed up though. But his presence was more than welcome. Once that was finished, I still had to do the bedtime routine and pray. My husband was out the very second his head hit the pillow and snored like a lumberjack all night. He was dead to the world. You know, the kind of sleep when his sweet, tired, big-bellied wife tried to gently pat him to get him to roll over and he wouldn't. The kind where the same aforementioned wife had to physically roll him over to stop the snores. Yeah, that deep sleep.

And then 5:00 prayer came. See, we get up this early to pray because my husband is in the process of getting his licensing to become ordained to follow the calling God placed on his life. He takes forever - i.e. longer than his wife and daughter combined - to get ready in the morning, so we get up extra early to make sure we can pray and do devotions early in the morning. After prayer, it was get the house ready time and then story time.

The library is like Disney World in this house. Anyone have a kid who LOVES LOVES LOVES to read? It's adorable. Today's story time was even more enjoyable after yesterday's experience. Long story short, Audrey made Tennessee Williams proud with her Stanley impression trying to get the books to come out of the library yesterday when it was locked shut. See, the library switched story time days and didn't tell the mommies. So after talking it up all morning, we drove out there and had to endure the heartbreak that is a closed library.

But not today. No, today was perfect in library world. I hated to tell Auds where we were going just in case the library wasn't open. So she spent the morning guessing. "Shopping, Mama?" "Animals, Mama?" "Lunch, Mama?" This girl is just like her mommy - wants to know what's going on all the time.

We drove down our little country highway with our bag packed with our diaper-clad babies, en route to the holy land. And as we rounded the corner into the parking lot, shreiks of glee filled my car louder than the Hooked on Phonics Toddler CD. "BOOKS! BOOOOOOKS! BOOOOOKS, MAMA!" Oh, yes, little girl, we have arrived to an open library. She jerked my hand and guided me straight to the door for me to open. "Books, Mama" she said knowingly. We opened the door, and the biggest smile crossed her face as she walked around in amazement, awe, excitement and any other good emotion. And she was the first one there, so she had the place to her self.

Story time consisted of about five kids total, but Audrey really just wanted to play with the books and just checked in on story time when she deigned to. We left with our library bag chock full of books and movies. And one happy little girl who couldn't stop grinning. And one active little boy who wouldn't stop kicking. And one blessed little mommy who was just thankful.

We headed home, had some lunch and a nap and are now listening to Elmo's Kids' Favorite Songs. Audrey was dancing and prancing and singing all over the living room to the songs. But, she found her Tony picture and is now sitting beside me with her hand on my belly bonding with her baby brother. Let's get a collective "AWWWWWWWWW!"

The man of the house should be getting home soon so I can get ready for his firm's party this evening. Not only is this the first evening we've ever been out and treated to a good meal without our little angel (Grandma is coming to play with her), but I'm the photographer and graphic designer for the firm's Christmas portrait, new Web site head shots and Christmas card. So I actually have to work tonight. And tomorrow, too. I have a wedding across the state to shoot.

If that weren't busy enough, we have Boo at the Zoo Sunday morning followed by an afternoon joint church service with a church an hour away from our house. I promise, I'll post pictures of the Boo at the Zoo fun - rumor is Elmo will be there.

And just because this post is so long (because I'm a world-class rambler) and to give you a glimpse of the angel in the library, here's a little taste of my family:

Here are my two outside loves together fairly recently:

That little girl loves her Honey. Yes, that's what she calls him.

These are our diapered friends Oink Oink and Mony that go everywhere with us. And yes, I change their diapers. I'm so ready to be a mommy of two - I already change diapers for three. Granted, Oink Oink and Mony are a little less messy.

Could you really bear to see this face sad because she couldn't read her Clifford? Broke my heart too.

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