Wednesday, October 20, 2010

I Love Favors

Seriously, favors are absolutely great. And that is partly the reason for not writing anything in a couple of days. See, I have two computers. The one I'm on now dates back to my undergrad days, is slow as Moses, and is missing keys thanks to an energetic toddler. Then, in my office, is my love. My 21.5 Mac AIO. Love, love, LOVE.

But, see, there was an issue with it. I didn't want to have to pay for all of the transfer stuff to go from Windows to Mac, so I had the people at the horrible store I bought it from which shall not be named, set up a dual operating system for me. That means, I can run both Windows with all of its applications and Mac with all of its applications at the same time. But, surprise, surprise, the people at this store did not set it up right and the Windows side didn't work.

So, since I have work to do, and no computer to do it on, this became an issue coz all of my work was done on the Windows side. I swear it worked for a little bit and then died. Anyway, my husband has a cousin who runs an IT business. He visited my husband about a legal question of his mom being attacked by a neighbor's dog and my husband didn't charge him. When he heard about my issues (computer ones, not other ones!), he said he'd come over and fix it without charging us. So, I saved $90/hr. Holla!

My cousin-in-law came over last night and got the Windows side working and we got to chatting. He is interested in photography and has started getting into film after starting in digital. I started in film and transferred into digital (although I have every intention of getting back into film when life slows down). It was nice because while he was fixing my computer and backing up all of my images, which took forever because I have 5 weddings and 6 portrait sessions, not to mention personal photos on there, we got to talk about cameras, film, paper, exposure, composition, bodies, lenses, etc. All that means to the common point-and-shooter is how to make a picture pretty. :)

I had every intention of doing a blog post about how I decorated my living room all nice and fall-y, and will perhaps do it later this evening. Right now, I have a date to watch Beauty and the Beast - a daily occurrence here. My not even two-year-old calls it "Princess and Beast" and knows when they're going to sing, when they're going to dance, and when the beast comes out. It's her favorite movie and the only thing she'll actually sit down long enough to watch. She even points out the different animals and their noises, the furniture, objects and everything else she sees, so I'm choosing to look at it less than having a digital babysitter (since I'm sitting there with her) and more of an educational quiz opportunity. Full glasses and whatnot, right?

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