Friday, March 25, 2011

I Survived!

I went out for the first time today with just the kiddos. And I survived! I'm hoping that all future outings go as well. We went to the play place where Auds had her birthday for the Friday Free Play. Auds got to run around with her friends. Tony got to snuggle in the mei tie. It was a nice morning. And I'm a horrible mommy because I forgot to get pictures.

I even brought the camera and everything. But the owner was showing off her Shrimp and Grits clothing line and I was browsing through it. As I was looking, a mama asked me if I wanted her son's clothes. They don't plan on having any more kids and don't know anyone else with a little boy to give them to. Her little boy is always so well dressed; I'm excited! Add that onto two boxes that another mama from Auds' class dropped off after Tony was born - he's one well dressed little man.

And then another mama gave me some Indian prefolds that her daughter grew out of because she doesn't know anyone else in the area who cloth diapers. In addition to the clothes, a local lady who makes bows was showing off her stuff. Well, she gave Auds two bows - a cupcake and a bear. They're adorable. This makes 1000000000 bows that she has. The lady said since I buy stuff for my studio from her, she wanted to give something back to me. Talk about sweet!

If I'll get free stuff every time I go out, I'll never be home. ;) The fellow cloth diapering mama also informed me of a breastfeeding event at the zoo tomorrow morning. I'm so going to that! Nursing mamas and face painting for the littles - sounds like so much fun! I'll make sure to take pictures.

Audrey had her first time away from us with a sitter. My husband and I had a Sunday School teachers' seminar to go to, so our beautiful 4-H'er watched Auds for a few hours last night. They literally live 30 seconds from us and we both live less than a minute away from the church so it's so convenient. Auds got to go into the pasture and play with the cows. Oh, she loved it. And smelled like a barn yard when we picked her up. Our girl loves watching Auds so much that her mom refuses to let us pay her. I feel so bad for not paying, but we've offered. It is nice, however, to have someone nearby to watch Auds if we ever need it.

I know some people will think I'm crazy that she's two years old and finally staying with someone who isn't us or my mother. Here's the crazier statement: her first night away from me was when I was in the hospital for Tony. And I really don't mind. Well, except for now when I would absolutely LOVE for her to take a nap but she won't. I can hear her in the bedroom throwing stuff around and I have to remain on guard for the inevitable "Mommy! I hurt myself!" when she jumps off the bed, or "Mommy! It fell!" when she throws something behind her bed, or "Mommy! It's broken! It's a breakable!" when she breaks something. Thankfully, I have yet to hear that last one. However, I know it's just a matter of time. At least she's not throwing things at or jumping on her brother, right?

1 comment:

  1. Gabe's first time away from me was when I was in the hospital with David, so I don't think you're crazy at all.

    And yay for a successful first outing with both kiddos. Make sure to take a lot of pics tomorrow. I want to see some updated photos of them!
