Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Bible 24/7

Now, I'll preface this by saying it's not for everyone. You may very well think I'm nuts for what I am about to write. But it works for our family.

My husband and I had talked about doing this for a while, and finally got around to it. We got the Bible on CD and are playing it 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 52 weeks a year.... you get the picture. Not necessarily so loud that you can't hear anything else, and not loud enough to freak ourselves out when we hear people talking at night, but it is playing nonetheless. Of course, when we really want to sit down and pay full attention to it, we turn it up. But we don't turn it off if we (read: the little princess) wants to watch Veggie Tales.

We like the idea of having the Word being spoken aloud in this house all the time. We do our Advent devotions, and we pray, and we do our evening devotions and read my husband's ministry books, pray over our house and anoint our doorways, and teach Audrey about God and all that jazz. But there is something about the Word of God that is so powerful.

But, it's not physically possible for us to read it all day and all night long. In enters the grandness of CD.

We got the Word of Promise set.

It's pretty darn cool. Instead of just having one person read it straight through, this one has a lot of big named actors putting on a huge production. It certainly makes it more entertaining and easier to follow during conversations. Plus, Audrey really likes all the sound effects. It is reminiscent of the old days of radio.

It's packaged so nifty. Each section has it's own CDs and then there is a big CD case that comes with it so you can keep it in your car if you want to listen to it on the go.

We just started, but we're impressed so far. And, the best part, we didn't have to buy the set. I got it for free using Swagbucks. If you don't know the wonder of the SBs, leave me your email and I will send you a referral link. It is seriously the best thing ever.

It has 79 CDs, so what we're doing is playing one CD on repeat for an entire day. The next morning, before my husband heads out, we switch it out. That way, I don't have to keep up with changing CDs throughout the day, and if I miss a part of the story, I can always catch it when things quiet down.

Auds and I listened to it today while we cleaned and it was great. Auds walked around saying "I listen to the Bible on TV (even though it was playing on my old as Methuselah CD player, but she gets the concept). It's church. " The things little ones say.

1 comment:

  1. I think it's a wonderful idea! I don't know if I could do it 24/7, because there are times I really enjoy silence, but I would like to start playing it throughout the day while I am home, in the car, and when I am at work. I think I'll ask for an audio Bible for my birthday in January. Thanks for the idea!
