Wednesday, May 25, 2011

In My {not so} Swagger Waggon

That's right! We've made the jump and we're......

Not pregnant.

No, we're getting a mini-van. But not a Swagger Wagon. As much as I would have loved to say "Yeah, I'm pulling up in my Swagger Wagon," those things just got horrible reviews and the consensus is that the marketing is just so good to cover up how bad they are.

We're getting a Town and Country. And it's being shipped in because, evidently, being one the highest rated vans causes it to be completely sold out in our area.

This is a huge blessing from the Lord, I tell you. Chunkaman is so big that he is outgrowing the car seat that his sister (I bought everything gender neutral) fit in until she was nearly a year. He's three months. He has four pounds and an inch to go. Seriously.

The convertible that we've decided on to use for our kids (Auds has one and we love it) is a Radian XTSL. However, the top of the shell is so high that we could only fit it in the middle and risk Auds kicking her brother in the face. Seeing as she's 2 going on 20 with as many mood shifts as a 16 year old, that's not something I could chance. And my husband is so tall that he can barely fit in my car with two kids. Like his knees are at his chin.

So we prayed. And my husband called our bank and called the dealership. Everything else literally just fell into place in one day. No lie. We haven't even had to set foot in the dealership or the bank or waited long amounts of time for someone to help us or haggle with salesmen-- a ginormous plus with two littles. And we're only paying $100 more a month on a brand new mini-van than on an SUV we got when we first got married. So, we're just waiting for it to come in to drive it away. When it does, I'll post a picture. It's shiny and red.


1 comment:

  1. Holla is right. That thing is swaaaaank. In a totally useful way! I'm most jealous of the remote starter, though.
