Thursday, June 2, 2011

TV Free

Call me one of those moms. Call me crazy. Call my kids sheltered. But we are now a TV free home. That's right, if it ain't a VHS or a DVD, it ain't playing in this house.

We've never had cable because we've never really been home enough to watch it and really don't want half of the stuff that is on to play in our homes. But we did have a converter box and would watch PBS during the day. However, after much thought and prayer, we decided that we would get rid of that, too.

See, you can't control what happens and what enters your house through the TV. You can't screen it beforehand - unless you play only from a DVR, and we didn't have one of those either.

I guess the clincher was while watching Arthur one day this past week. I was nursing Tony and didn't have the remote and wasn't really paying attention to what was on until it was too late. The show was talking about fears, and while it may have had a good moral in the end, it was a little too much for my two year old. The show actually mentioned evil spirits attaching themselves to one of the characters and following her home from her various vacations with her parents.

And while I know that yes, in spiritual warfare that is possible, my two year old doesn't. And she also doesn't need to see a depiction of said evil on the TV designed to incite fear in the first place. Since I was nursing and didn't have the remote, I couldn't stop her from watching that small snippet with a glazed-over look in her eye. As soon as I could though, I got up and turned it off.

Who's to say that the wrong programming might not be played or a censor didn't really censor a program properly? Who's to say a Janet Jackson-esque occurrence might not happen and I'd be powerless to stop my innocent children from being exposed to it?

Yes, I may be off my rocker. But my children are innocent (aside from that original sin business) and I intend to do my best to keep them that way. I don't need my two year old wanting to show skin or sing lyrics to a scandalous song or watching questionable material. She thinks she's a princess - and I plan on letting her for as long as I can.

Is it just me, or are they pushing these things more and more and starting earlier and earlier?

1 comment:

  1. I totally agree with you. We have a converter box, but it's in our basement for Adam to watch football in the fall.

    The clincher for us was when Katy Perry was running around half naked on Sesame Street. We were done after that!
