Saturday, May 14, 2011

What's Going On

Go to here to see what's going on around these parts. Worry not, our house won't get swept away. But this is hitting RIGHT next door... like the next town... like a five minute drive from our house everything is going to be gone. Thousands of people, farmers, small towns, farms, a whole culture and lifestyle are on the brink of destruction as I type. But it's all done so that the larger cities won't be affected as badly.

Please pray for those affected. These hard-headed Cajuns need it.


  1. Where is all that water coming from? Is it coming from the rivers because of all the rain we're getting up here? I know the Ohio river was at flood level recently.

  2. It's from all the snow that's melting and coming down the Mississippi. Two of the state's largest cities were in danger of being flooded worse than Katrina, so they had to open up the spillways out here to flood out less populated areas. I guess it's easier for the state's economy to take a hit to the farming industry than all of the business that occurs in the city. The last time it got this bad was in '73, and before that it was sometime in the '20's. It's craziness, I tell you.
