Friday, April 29, 2011

A Little Potty Humor

Things in the little country home have been revolving around the potty lately. Yup, Auds is potty learning. I really didn't want to start her or push her this early. It was simple changing and washing diapers for two. But Auds had different plans.

When she needed to go to the bathroom, she would just take her diaper off and go on the floor - not the intended use of the diaper. The opposite, actually. This even happened at the pediatrician's office when we went for a check up of her ears. I hear "Mommy! I pee-pee'd!" in the waiting room. Thinking she's just telling me, I responded "Okay, baby." Then I turn to see a puddle underneath her and her hand moving her diaper back in place. Oy.

This happened every day from Thursday until Tuesday. Tuesday morning the first thing Auds did when she got up was take off her diaper and pee on the floor. I had enough. If I'm going to be cleaning up messes anyway, I might as well try to show her where it really goes.

So we started on Tuesday with big girl panties and a little potty in the living room. Not a single success the whole day. I was stressed, discouraged, wanting to quit but I didn't take it out on her coz I didn't want to make it a negative experience or scare her away. Well, in prayer at church that night God told my husband that, basically, with the anointing on him and the ministry he will have potty training his daughter will be the least of his troubles. This scared me. And I decided that I might as well make as positive as I could.

Wednesday we had three successes and three accidents on the way to or as we were getting ready to potty. Thursday we had four successes and she found out that the sure fire way to get attention when she's not getting any is to pee while I'm nursing Tony. Today we've had 8 successes so far and two accidents. Woo hoo! She really is doing so well! I'm shocked. Especially after our bad first day.

And thank God for our youth helping out this week. I'm sure she didn't plan on helping me potty learn my toddler but she has been an immense help. She's helped clean up messes and help Auds with her potty routine without me asking her to! That's just amazing!

I really think she'll be done with diapers by the end of the summer. My best friend who was over today predicts within two months. I'm being cautiously optimistic!

1 comment:

  1. Yay Audrey! I started with David a few weeks ago and gave up after I got stressed. I'm waiting for the weather to get nice here and we're going to work on it again when we can be outside and the mess can stay there ;)

    Good luck! Potty training Gabe was one of the biggest parenting challenges I've deal with so far. But it feels so good when it's done!
