Saturday, April 16, 2011

An Update - With Pictures :)

So last weekend we went to a big Easter event held by our friends' church. It is much more casual than ours (especially since my husband is a minister and wears a tie and suit to every service - he took off the tie and jacket before we got to the park) so we stood out. But it was great. It was held at a big park and there was BBQ, volleyball tournaments, bouncy houses, and a playground. We, however, hung out under the tent by our friends' truck. :)

We had a nice relaxing afternoon as the boys (our friends have a little boy about five months older than Tony) slept and the girls played. These two are best friends and are so cute. They'll fight like sisters and then help each other, hold hands, hug and kiss. They're quite a pair.

Auds had her first Cheeto. We have a cat named Cheeto, so she was really confused when she was first offered one.

Kind of just warming up to it as she carried it around.

And there's the munch.

Audrey's friend lost her shoe so Auds helped her get it back on.

It was so sweet!

Auds saw something in the pond.

Asking Honey to escort her.

And there go two of my loves to go see the ducks. :)

We had good fun and good fellowship. All was right in our world. Then Tuesday night Auds refused to go to sleep. She didn't go down until midnight. It was rough. Wednesday she woke up in the worst mood ever.

She wouldn't eat breakfast. And she just screamed her head off. I knew something was wrong. She just cried and screamed and told me how tired she was. But she wouldn't let herself sleep. She would take forever to fall asleep and then she would only sleep for five minutes. I couldn't get her to eat or drink anything the entire day. She just went in and out of consciousness. We watched Cinderella and Beauty and the Beast all day long. I offered her everything in the house and in our town, but she wanted none of it. Finally, I asked her if she wanted Chik-fil-a. We typically don't eat out much, but when we have to do fast food we go there because 1.) it actually resembles chicken. 2.) you can get fresh fruit instead of french fries. 3.) they make fresh lemonade. She consented.

Honey picked some up on the way home and she ate four chicken nuggets and half a cup of lemonade. And she passed out again. It was like that for the rest of the night, too. She'd wake up for a few minutes and go back out - each time picking up where she was when she was last awake as if no time had passed.

We had an appointment Thursday morning where the doctor diagnosed her with a staph infection in her ears. Both of them. He said that they looked like strawberry peels on the inside and she had blisters on her ear drums. No wonder she felt horrible! It was so bad she got an immediate antibiotic shot and some prescriptions to help clear it up. We go back next week to see what's going on.

So, right now, she's on acetaminophen for the pain, Robitussin for her cough, antibiotics for the staph in her system, and ear drops to clear up her ears every four hours. I don't even keep medicine that's not homeopathic in the house so it's a huge shock for her. We do red medicine, pink medicine, purple medicine, then ears. It "feels weird" to her. Poor baby.

But all the meds are doing something coz she's been feeling better. She's a ball of crankies, but she wants to go out and do things (she's not contagious so we have been) instead of being unable to keep consciousness, so I call that a plus.

1 comment:

  1. Poor Auds. :(

    Hopefully it all clears up soon. At least she isn't acting like anything is wrong!
