Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Why No Pictures?

Because it's stinking freezing, that's why! Don't get me wrong, I love our house and am content that God wants us to stay here for the time being. And I'm thankful that we even have shelter when there are so many who don't. But the next house we get... it's going to be a slab house!!!

We have insulation on the bottom of our house and put a skirting up in the winter to help with the wind that gets under there. Well, it has been so stinking windy (35+ mph) that it has done ZERO to keep the wind from freezing our floors. You could get frost bite walking on them. Well, maybe not really. But it's still cold. Auds is dressed up in socks, a long sleeved onesie, pj's, baby legs on both her arms and her legs and slippers on - all at once. And we've spent most of the time today under the covers on the couch cuddling - well, that part hasn't been so bad.

But it's crazy.

"How crazy is it?" you ask. "It's winter it's supposed to be cold in the winter."

I'll tell you how crazy. Monday, I had the window open. It was in the 70s. Audrey was in a cute little cup cake dress with short sleeves. No cardigan, no tights, no long sleeves. I was even in a (longer than) knee length skirt without leggings, tights or boots. It was glorious.

Yesterday, it went from 69 to 20. That's over 40 degrees in one day! And that's not with the wind chill. Our "feels like" temperature is in the teens. Our high today isn't even freezing. We're in the Deep South for crying out loud!

It's too cold to even clean. That's right. I said it. Not a dish has been washed nor a crumb vacuumed up. I do, however, plan on going on a baking spree when my husband gets home so I can warm up the house.

Global warming, my tush. It's Southern freezing. And our weather is typically in the 60s for this time of year. It ain't right, I tell you.

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