Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Pretty Soap

One thing that bothers me, or has been bothering me lately, is how UGLY dish soap bottles are. Seriously, they can't make them look nicer? I really don't like having a ginormous plastic bottle with a big sticker on it and residue dripping down the side coz my husband can't keep the soap either in the bottle or on the sponge. He's gotta spread it around like peanut butter.

Anyway, I think I'm still nesting (I am still supposed to be pregnant after all) coz I've been spending my days cleaning and reorganizing. So, here's the first of many projects. I have found a solution to the ugly soap container problem!

First, find a vinaigrette. It can be one you have on hand, one you find at an antique store, or the one like I bought at Wal Mart.

It was $3.

Next get some fake flowers. I bought some baby's breath that was ridiculously over priced because I didn't feel like driving 45 minutes into town and back to go to the Hobby Lobby. If you don't have a multiple hour trek, I'd totally recommend that though coz their fake flowers are much more reasonably priced.

Just snip off some of the flowers, stick them in and pour in your soap. Easy peasy. I know, this isn't by my sink. The sink had dishes in it and who really wants to see a pile of dirty dishes, right? So, you get to look at my turnips and Auds' puzzles in the background.

Now, if you have a dishwasher, this may not even be something you thought of. But for those without that luxury who are tired of having ugly soap, here is the solution! Viva la revolution! Oy... can you tell I get no more than 2 hours of sleep a night? Ha!

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE this idea. I'm going to do it tomorrow!!

    And I always nest postpartum too!!
