Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Look at Me!

I can sew!

Er, um... or at least sorta. I have had the week from HADES, I tell you.

Monday, we over sleep and my husband is nearly late for an evidence inspection across state. Tony poops EVERYWHERE. And I mean EVERYWHERE. On me, on him, on the Boppy pillow, on the bedding, on my husband, in my husband's MOUTH. It was madness, I tell you. I was trying to work on stuff for a new project at church. Every time I would try to do it, Tony would scream, my phone would stop working, Auds would pee on something. Auds rarely ever has accidents, and if she does it's when she's either too tired to function, she's jealous and it's a revenge thing (and I don't really call that an "accident" more as a "child, you know better!") or we're out and can't make it in time. But on Monday we had not a one success on the potty GAH! And I was stressed out as all get out when we taught Monday School that night.

Tuesday, my husband got held up at work which left me to make dinner, bathe, dress, feed and get three people out of the door to make it to church. Couple that with the fact that I didn't have a chance to print out necessary documents for our after-church meeting (see Monday) and it was fun. My husband arrived about 10 minutes -- if that -- before church was over. Praise God he had those documents!

Today, oh man. Today was a battle of the wills. Tony was fighting sleep, as soon as I'd get him down Auds would start screaming and wake him up and I'd have two little ones screaming at the top of their lungs. And my kids are loud. Not like normal kid loud. But exceptionally, can project, will either be Broadway stars or preachers kinda LOUD.

So, I told my husband I wanted that sewing machine that I had been talking about for a while and I was going to use it to try and sew my frustrations away. He said "okay." And on the way home I got a flat tire. But I made a dress. And it may not be the most technically perfect or beautiful thing out there. But, for someone who has no domestic training whatsoever and didn't know how to even turn a sewing machine on, I'd say it's a huge leap.

One small step for womankind; one giant leap for this woman right here.


  1. So cute! That's the same style dress that I plan to start with once Grace gets big enough to wear them.

    Sorry you're having such a tough week. Why does it always seem like when it rains, it pours?!

    Ugh. The potty training. Gabe does the same thing - having accidents for revenge. I have no advice on how to deal with it - just wanted to let you know I empathize.

    I can't stand it when the kids start effecting each other's sleep. It makes it so difficult to get through the day when not only are the kids overtired and cranky, but you are also at the end of your rope. The only thing that gets me through it is a whole lot of prayer.

    I hope your week gets better. I'll be praying for you.

  2. Frustration. It makes for the wittiest blog posts.

    The pillowcase dress is lovely and I want to see photos of it on her! Seriously good first garment!
