Saturday, January 15, 2011

Baby Shower

Tonight the ladies at my church threw a baby shower for Tony. I really wasn't expecting one, especially since it's for a second baby and we're relatively new there, but they certainly blessed us anyway.

The cake. Don't mind the big whited out portion up at the top, I just blanked out our last name, is all.

Close up of the little decoration. My husband says the cake is good. I didn't have any. I have this really weird phobia of not only eating in front of people, but also eating after other people could have possibly touched it. Buffets are my idea of a nightmare. But I really appreciated that they got a cake!


More presents than we deserve. We got a ton of blankets and boy clothes, which we were really hoping for since all we have are little girl dresses and pink girly things. We also got some disposable diapers and wipes, which I'm going to return to Wal Mart for a store credit. I hate shopping there, but when the nearest store otherwise is over half an hour away, ya gotta do what ya gotta do. It was the thought that counts though, and I was very appreciative. Most people don't cloth diaper, so they had no way of knowing.

I'd LOVE to know what I'm saying here. I promise I wasn't being snarky or anything like that. I'm just a very expressive person and talk with my hands and make crazy faces a lot. It yields a lot of great pictures like this one; which is why I try my hardest to always be behind the camera and not in front of it.

That's Tony's godmommy along with the beautiful baby June (the one who had the extremely easy and quick labor and birth). She loaded me up with natural nursing ointments, nursing pads, mama cloth, cloth diapers and all sorts of natural goodies. I actually converted her to cloth diapers and now she sells them. She definitely raided her stash for this gift, which is fine by me. She also told me she'll be trying out new lines on her godson, so look forward to a bunch of reviews on different brands in the future.

And here's me with "THE Baby June," as Auds calls her. While everyone else played a shower game I got to cuddle with the wiggly miss. She is as big as Auds was at 6 months, and she's 3 months. But she is just adorable and looks JUST like her big brother - who just happens to be Auds' boyfriend.

I can definitely tell I'm at the end of a pregnancy in this picture - I'm HUGE. Golly. At least I know I look as big as I feel so I'm not exaggerating, right? And see all those spots on my legs? Those are scars from bug bites... from nearly a year ago. That's right, home girl has some crazy sensitive skin. You don't even want to see what the eczema on my hands looks like up close now. There's definitely cracking and bleeding.

Anywho, all that last paragraph aside, it was a lovely evening and we are so very, very blessed to have these ladies in our lives. And all this stuff as well.

1 comment:

  1. I think you look gorgeous! And that cake is just precious. I'm with you on the buffet thing though, you couldn't pay me to eat from one!

    What a wonderful blessing. It looks like you and baby Tony are very well loved :)
